Accidents Due to Road Conditions

While most motor vehicle accidents are caused by driver error, a significant number involve issues with road conditions. Accidents can occur when the road is in disrepair, and the party responsible for maintaining or creating the hazard could be responsible for your resulting injuries.

Accidents Due to Road Conditions

Some road conditions that can contribute to accidents include the following.

Steep Shoulder Drop-Offs

Colorado has beautiful scenery thanks to the forestry, vegetation, and mountains. However, some shoulders on the road that are too steep can cause motorists to fall off the road into a ravine in case of an accident.

The shoulder is the area of the road to the right of the lane of travel. While some drop-offs should be expected due to weather erosion or deterioration over time, steep drop-offs can be deadly. These road hazards can cause the wheels of vehicles to get caught on the edge, leading to the driver losing control of their vehicle. Sometimes, the driver may over-correct, further propelling them off the roadway or into another lane of traffic.

Ruts and Grooves

Ruts and grooves can form in the road due to wear and tear, especially when cars and commercial trucks heavily traverse the roads. These ruts can become so deep that they become potholes. Accidents can ensue when a driver tries to avoid these damaging road hazards and collides with another vehicle.

Accidents can also happen because the holes become divots when it rains or snows. This causes the holes to widen further. Seeking fair compensation when poor road conditions cause an accident is often complex, as governmental agencies may be at fault. A top Denver car accident lawyer can help build your claim for compensation.

Ice Patches

Colorado has harsh winters, so it’s common for ice to form on roadways. While many motorists here adjust their speeds to account for this risk, ice can cause significant damage to roadways. Also, accidents can occur if roads are not properly graded for drainage. An experienced car or motorcycle accident lawyer can investigate your case to determine if the governmental agency neglected its duty to properly build and maintain the roadway.

Poor Road Design

Some roads in Colorado are so poorly designed that they create an unreasonable danger for motorists. For example, turns may be too sharp, causing rollover accidents even when drivers are traveling at a reasonable speed. Other roads have lanes that are too narrow to allow for regular traffic. Road signs could be missing, obstructed, or damaged, which could have alerted motorists to known hazards and prevented a serious accident.

Reach Out to Our Road Conditions Accident Lawyers Today

If you were injured in an accident you believe was caused by dangerous road designs or conditions, contact the Denver car accident lawyers at Dulin McQuinn Young today. We understand the complexities of these cases and how to hold governmental entities and maintenance companies accountable for their negligence.

We want to help you heal physically, emotionally, and financially. Call today for a free case review.

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