The Value of a Burn Injury Settlement
Severe burn injuries are among the most devastating personal injuries physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially. Serious burn injury victims face long and painful recoveries, and many never fully heal from their physical wounds. Burn injuries range in severity and are classified into degrees. The degree of a personal injury victim’s burns and other factors…
How Social Media Can Impact Your Personal Injury Case
Social media is an easy way to keep your friends and family updated on your medical condition after a serious accident. You may be tempted to use social media to reassure your loved ones that you will be okay and let them know of ways that they may be able to help you and…
What to Do If You are Hit by a Drunk Driver
Drunk driving accidents happen frequently in Colorado and across the United States. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration or NHTSA, nearly 37 people are killed in drunk driving crashes every day in the U.S. In 2021, drunk and drugged drivers killed a total of 253 people in Colorado. This was a 45%…
How Spinal Cord Injuries Can Cause Paralysis
According to the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center or NSCISC, there are approximately 17,500 new cases of spinal cord injury each year in the United States. The top two causes of spinal cord injury are vehicle crashes and falls. Spinal cord injury is the second leading cause of paralysis in the U.S. There…
Winter Weather Driving Tips
Colorado is home to winter weather. The state is hit with heavy precipitation every winter, leaving drivers facing dangerous road conditions from October to May. Whether you call Colorado home or plan to visit, keep the following winter weather driving tips in mind. They could save you and keep your family safe from injuries…
Most Common Causes of Bicycle Accidents
The two main types of bicycle accidents in the United States are falls and traffic collisions. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Association or NHTSA, 966 bicyclists were killed in traffic collisions in 2021. The most effective way to decrease your risk of bicycle accidents is to know their most common causes and…