How Long Does a Car Accident Case Take?

If you were injured in a car accident, it makes sense that you’re anxious to quickly resolve your claim and receive a settlement check to pay off medical bills and make up for lost income. However, every car accident case is different, so there’s not an average amount of time you can expect the case to settle. Working with an experienced attorney can help you expedite your Denver car accident claim.

How Long Does a Car Accident Case Take

Steps Involved in the Settlement Process

To get a better understanding of how much time it might take to settle a car accident claim, it is essential to know the steps involved in this process, which include:

Filing a Claim

After the accident, you file a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company. A car accident attorney can handle this process for you.

Investigating the Accident

An insurance adjuster will be assigned to the case. They will complete an investigation to determine how the crash happened and who is responsible. However, keep in mind that insurance companies want to minimize the amount they pay out in accident claims, so they will try to blame the accident on someone other than their insured when possible.

Your attorney may conduct an independent investigation, which may consist of:

  • Reviewing accident reports
  • Interviewing witnesses and police officers
  • Analyzing photos or videos of the accident
  • Gathering information from dash cameras and on-board event data recorders
  • Reviewing damage repair reports
  • Requesting medical records

Reviewing the Insurance Policy

The insurance adjuster will review the insurance policy to determine if it was in effect at the time of the accident and applies.

Compiling Information About Your Damages

If someone else was at fault for your accident, they may be responsible for paying for your economic and non-economic damages, which may include:

  • Past, current, and future medical expenses stemming from the accident
  • Lost income
  • Reduced earning capacity
  • Costs to repair or replace your damaged vehicle
  • Out-of-pocket expenses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost quality of life
  • Mental anguish and emotional distress

Preparing a Demand Letter

Your car accident attorney prepares a demand letter and sends it to the insurance company. This letter contains:

  • An explanation of how and when the accident occurred
  • Your attorney’s legal theory of why the insured is responsible for the accident
  • The amount of damages you suffered as a result of the accident
  • Your intent to file a personal injury lawsuit if you do not receive the amount of compensation you are requesting

Engaging in Settlement Negotiations

The insurance company may respond to the demand letter by countering with a lower amount of compensation. Your attorney may follow up by requesting a higher amount. This process may involve several rounds of negotiations.

Settling the Case

At this point, the case either settles or it doesn’t. If it settles, you can expect your settlement check within a few days. If it doesn’t, your lawyer may advise filing a personal injury lawsuit. In that case, you will likely be waiting several months or over a year for the case to resolve.

Factors that Can Affect the Settlement Timeline

At Dulin McQuinn Young, we know that many factors can affect how long a case may take to settle, including:

  • The nature and severity of your injury
  • How long it takes you to reach maximum medical improvement
  • Whether liability is disputed
  • The willingness of the defendant and insurance company to settle the claim
  • Whether your case is settled or goes to trial

When you hire our legal team, we will work diligently to settle your case as expeditiously as possible, but we do not want to leave money on the table that can help provide appropriate compensation for your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Call us at (303) 246-1111 to learn more during a free case review.

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